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BTC采用基于交易的账本模式(transaction-based ledger)
BTC中的全节点需要维护一个数据结构——UTXO(Unspent Transaction Output)
- 为了检测新发布的交易是否合法(防止double spending attack)
- 所有输入金额 = 输出金额(total inputs = total outputs)
- 但对于某交易两者之间的差值称为transaction fee
A Bitcoin network fee, also known as a transaction fee, is a small amount of bitcoin paid to incentivize miners to include the transaction in the next block of the blockchain.
另一种模式——基于账户(account-based ledger)e.g. 以太坊
- 显式记录每个账户有多少个BTC,不需要显式说明BTC的来源
Block Example
Block Header 结构
// header
int32_t nVersion;
uint256 hashPrevBlock;
uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
uint32_t nTime;
uint32_t nBits;
uint32_t nNonce;
每次随机尝试找到Nonce记作Bernoulli trial
- 做很多Bernoulli trial且都随机,构成了Bernoulli process
- 具有无记忆性(memoryless)
- 需要进行大量尝试,可用Poisson process进行近似
- 将来还需要挖多久和已经挖了多久没关系 (progress free)
- 否则算力强的矿工将有不成比例的优势
- 挖矿公平性的保证
- 将来还需要挖多久和已经挖了多久没关系 (progress free)
出块奖励(Block Reward)是系统中产生BTC的唯一途径,而每四年(即21万块区块)会减半,则构成了Geometric series即\(21 \times 50 + 21 + 25 + 21 + 12.5... = 21 \times 50 \times( 1 + 1/2 + 1/4...) = 21 \times 100 = 2100\)
Bitcoin is secured by mining.
Selfish mining is an attempt by a single or group of miners to alter the blockchain by forking it, mining it, and then reintroducing it to the network
- 前提:有恶意的节点占据很大一部分算力,才可能成功