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  1. relentless adj. 不停的,持续强烈的;严格的,不放弃的
  2. propagation n. (观点、理论等的)传播
    • One of the great successes of the Republican Party in recent decades is the relentless propagation of a simple formula for economic growth: tax cuts.
  3. unerring adj. 无过失的,不犯错误的
    • The unerring judgment of market forces
  4. haves and have-nots = very wealthy and very poor
    • People have been disheartened by the widening gap between the haves and have-nots.
  5. tug of war = a struggle between two people or groups to win control or possession of something
    • People have witnessed a tug of war between Republicans and Democrats over tax cuts.
  6. compensation 薪水 = paycheck
    • A check for salary or wages made out to an employee
  7. premium n.保险费,附加费;adj.高昂的,优质的
  8. economy n. 经济 An economy is an area of the production, distribution and trade, as well as consumption of goods and services
  9. stark adj. (区别)明显的,鲜明的
    • The differences were even starker in the neuroscience journals
  10. strike v.撞击... n. 罢工
    • Strike a balance between male and female editors

  1. deliberate adj.故意的;小心翼翼的,不慌不忙的
  2. aggravate v. 使恶化,使加重;激怒,惹恼
  3. speculative adj. 猜测的,推断的
  4. ascertain v. 查明,弄清
  5. limelight n. 公众注意的中心
    • To avoid being in the limelight = I didn't love being a celebrity.
  6. Being unaware of the stress they are under = Many people who suffer from stress fail to recognize it.
  7. digest v. 消化,理解,领悟 → digestive system 消化系统
    • indication n. 迹象,象征
    • There is no indication of any digestive issues.
  8. prescribe (sb) sth (for sth). 给...开(药)
    • Prescribe some medication(药物) for him
  9. delegate n. 代表 v. ~ sth to sb 把(工作、权力等)委托(给下级)
    • I recommend you think about delegating some responsibilities to someone else.
  10. ups and downs 起起伏伏 = a succession of both good and bad experiences.

  1. stunned adj. 震惊的; stun v. 给(某人)以深刻印象,使震惊,使昏迷
  2. sin n. 罪过,罪行 → sinful adj.有罪的
  3. mandate n.v. 授权,(政府的)任期 v. 强制执行
    • When being creative becomes a biological mandate
  4. adjacent adj. 邻近的 → adjacent generations
  5. crack down 严厉打击


  1. refrain from 克制,避免
    • She has refrain from using social media.
  2. subtle adj.巧妙的,不明显的,机智的,难以琢磨的
    • Most people find it subtle and complicated to give up using the internet.
  3. ditch v.丢弃,抛弃
    • Most people can hardly ditch the web while avoiding hate and comparisons.
  4. plot (v. 密谋,构思,绘制) a route(路线) to a friend's house
  5. at the mercy of.. 受制于
    • we were at the mercy of the weather.
  6. conductive adj. 有益的
    • They are conductive to to promoting societal equality.
  7. leverage n. 影响力,杠杆作用 v. 充分利用(资源,观点)
    • so she can continue to leverage her enormous fame while keeping the trolls(恶意挑衅的帖子) at bay(陷入困境)
  8. cruel adj. 残忍的; It goes without saying that.. (显而易见,毫无疑问)
  9. detrimental adj. 有害的
  10. prevalence n. 流行,盛行

  1. scream for 强烈要求或需要某物
    • humans are born screaming for attention and full of organic drives for fulfillment in various areas
  2. observe v. 遵守,观察,注意到
    • Satisfy their own desires while observing social conventions(传统).
  3. bound n.界限 v. 限制 → culture-bound adj. 受文化限制的
    • People's attitude towards competition is actually culture-bound
  4. indulge v. 纵容,沉溺
    • Indulge in cultural pursuits while keeping their base impulses at bay
  5. rational adj. 合理的,理性的; irrationally adv. 不合理地
    • It is free from(免于) the rational intervention(干预) of humans
  6. appreciate v. 欣赏,重视
    • It is the pre-rational world rarely appreciated nowadays
  7. inherently adv. 内在地,固有地
    • All species inherently depend on others for survival.
  8. imposition n. (新法律或规则)颁布,实施
  9. doctrine n. 教义,主义; metaphor n. 隐喻,象征;
  10. relative to 与...有关

    • and that its prevalence in a particular society is relative to how that society values it.

  1. long-cherished adj. 长期珍藏的
    • The ever-growing commercial value of long-cherished artistic works.
  2. democratise v. 民主化
  3. haste v.n. 匆忙
  4. inadequacy n. 不足,不胜任,缺乏信心 = incompetent
  5. authentic adj. 真正的,真实的
    • It may render us vulnerable and inauthentic.
  6. rosy adj. = likely to be good or successful 美好的;乐观的
  7. catchy posts 吸引人的文章
  8. grind n. 令人疲劳(或厌倦)的工作;苦差事
    • Social media can certainly be an escape from the daily grind
  9. yearn for 渴望
    • As humans, we yearn for social connection
  10. exaggerate(夸大) their life's accomplishments(成就)

  1. novel adj. 新颖的,与众不同的 = usual
  2. van n. 面包车,客货车
  3. appointment n. 约会,预约;任命,委任;职务
  4. curtail v. 限制,缩减
  5. in a bid to = in an attempt
    • bid v. 努力争取,出价 → ~ for sth / ~ on sth;
  6. get by 勉强过活 If you can get by with what you have, you can manage to live or do things in a satisfactory way
    • Most people can hardly get by without the internet due to growing digitization
  7. illusory adj. 虚幻的,虚假的
  8. dedicated adj. 献身的,一心一意的 → dedicate v. 把..奉献给..,致力于


  1. confine n. 限制
  2. comprehensible adj. 可理解的
    • Even articles freely available are usually written in academic language incomprehensible to the average reader.
  3. tenure n. (尤指大学教师的)终身职位,长期聘用
    • The top consideration is win tenure.
  4. prominent adj. 重要的,突出的 → prominent journals 著名期刊
  5. They can thrive on the papers published. (他们可以通过发表论文而蓬勃发展)
    • thrive on = The meaning of THRIVE ON is to do well in a particular kind of situation
    • thrive v. 兴旺发达;繁荣;蓬勃发展;旺盛;茁壮成长
  6. plaguing adj. = to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time → plague v. 困扰,折磨
    • By enabling them to understand crises plaguing society
  7. discrepancy n. 差异
    • By enabling them to effectively address social discrepancies.
  8. forge v. 形成,伪造,制作,稳步前进; tie n. 联系
    • By helping them to forge ties with government agencies.
  9. ethics n. 行为准则,伦理道德学
    • To satisfy ethics committees' mandatory requirements of researchers. (满足伦理委员会的强制性的研究需要)
  10. conceive v. 设想,想象,怀孕 → misconceive v. 误会,误解
    • They have been generally misconceived.(他们普遍被误解)

  1. spinning webs 织网(蜘蛛的行为)
    • spin v. (使)快速旋转,吐(丝);作(茧);结(网)
  2. Aggression n. 好斗情绪,侵犯,挑衅
  3. wildlife n. 野生动物
  4. splendour/splendor n. 壮丽;雄伟;豪华;华丽
    • There would be more people appreciating spiders' splendour.
  5. pesticide n. 农药,杀虫剂
    • An increasing number of spiders(蜘蛛) are being killed by deadly pesticides
  6. corridor 走廊
    • There would be sufficient corridors for spiders to move along
  7. overstate v. 夸大
  8. consent n.v. 同意,许可
  9. mate v. (with sth)交配; n. 伙伴,朋友
  10. witches n. 女巫;wickedness n.罪恶 = the quality of being evil or morally wrong.

  1. fare n. 车费,船费;v. = If you say that someone or something fares well or badly, you are referring to the degree of success they achieve in a particular situation or activity
  2. conservationist n. 环境保护主义者 → conservation n.(对环境的)保护,节约
  3. terrific adj.极好的 = excellent; wonderful


  1. elite n. 精英 adj.精英的
  2. charge n.v 指责指控,费用 v.收费
    • Such charges ignore the fact ...
    • 大概率作者观点和上述观点相反
  3. substantially adv. = very
    • It has contributed substantially to the nation's overall development.
  4. deduction n. 演绎推理,扣除额
    • ending deduction for student loan interest
  5. strip v. 除去,剥去(一层)
    • These provisions(条款,规定) were ultimately stripped from the bill.
  6. rigor = rigour n. 艰辛,严酷;严谨 → rigorous adj.
  7. diversify v. 多样化 → a diversified student population 多元化的学生群体
  8. endowment n. 捐款,自主;天赋,才能; drain v. 耗尽,排光,喝光
    • the new tax on endowments drains(耗尽) financial aid funds
  9. appeal to 呼吁;appeal n.v. 上诉,呼吁,有吸引力
  10. subjective adj. 主观的
    • It is something subjective based on what one perceives to be right

  1. bound adj. 一定会 v. 跳跃着跑 n. 蹦跳
    • be bound by sth 受(法律、义务或情况)约束(必须做某事)
    • We are not bound by the decision
  2. wit n. 智慧; term n. 术语 → scientific term.
    • Musicians are often at their wits, end in their creative effort.
    • (音乐家们往往在他们的智慧中结束了他们的创造性努力)
  3. melody and chord 旋律和和弦
    • AI technology is indispensable(不可或缺的) to creating melodies and chord
  4. depreciate v. 降低,轻视,(使)贬值; composition 成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品
    • It will depreciate humans' role in music composition
  5. deplete v. 大量减少,耗尽
    • It will deplete young musicians, creative inspiration.
  6. precious adj. 珍贵的; impart v. 传授,给予
    • Why do many people think music is too precious to impart to AI technology?
    • (为什么很多人认为音乐太珍贵了,不能传授给人工智能?)
  7. specific adj. 具体的,特有的; n = a characteristic quality or trait.
    • It is human specific. (它是人类特有的)
  8. keep abreast of 与...并驾齐驱,了解...的最新情况
    • It will help them to keep abreast of the latest scientific developments
  9. intricate adj. 错综复杂的; analogy n.类比
    • What does the example of the biologist who shared an intricate analogy show?
    • (生物学家分享一个复杂的类比的例子说明了什么?)
  10. illustration n. 图解,示例; phenomena n. 现象
    • It is helpful to use illustrations in explaining scientific phenomena

  1. implication n. 可能的影响(或作用、结果);暗指
  2. ideal adj. 理想的;jumping-off point 起点,出发点
  3. quality n. 质量 → It's not of great quality(质量不咋地)
  4. emulate v. 仿真,模仿;努力赶上,同...竞争
  5. integral adj. 必需的,作为组成部分的,完整的
    • Music has been an integral part of the story of humans for ages
  6. shy away from 回避; bleak adj. 不乐观的,荒凉的,无望的
    • Instead of shying away from the idea of this bleak future, xxx
  7. erroneous adj. 错误的
  8. well-informed adj. 见多识广的,知识渊博的
  9. It is a necessary means to improve their understanding of scientific issues
    • means n. 方法; 手段;
  10. absurd adj. 荒谬的

  1. discourse n. 演讲,话语 v. 讲述,论述
  2. baffling adj. 令人困惑的;baffle v.使困惑,难住
  3. imperative adj. 极其重要的,迫切的
  4. eliminate jargon 消除专业术语
  5. wreak v. 造成(巨大的破坏或伤害);havoc n. 灾难 → wreak havoc on..造成严重破坏
    • Climate change has wrought havoc on the lives of tens of thousands of people
  6. timber n. 树木,木材
  7. diplomacy n. 外交;外交技巧; 手段,策略 → international diplomacy国际外交
  8. amiable adj.亲切的,和蔼可亲的 → amiably adv.
  9. compassion n. 同情
  10. signify v. 说明,预示,意味

  1. recurrent adj. 周期性的
  2. prone to... 易于遭受,有做(坏事)的倾向


  1. indignation n. 愤怒 = outrage
  2. imitate v. 模仿
  3. prestigious adj. 有声望的
  4. screen v. 审查,检查 n. 屏幕
  5. tip v. 倾倒,轻触 n. 尖端,小费
    • By tipping the delicate balance. (通过打破微妙的平衡)
  6. stipulate v. 规定,明确要求
    • Stipulating a set of rules for asking specific questions
  7. intuitive adj. 直觉的,易懂的
    • This strategy makes intuitive sense(这种策略具有直观意义)
  8. articulate v. 明确表达,清楚说明 adj. 善于表达的


  1. cynical hostility 愤世嫉俗的敌意
    • cynical adj. 只顾自己不顾他人的;见利忘义的
  2. confrontational adj. 对抗性的,挑起冲突的
    • e.g. It may lead to confrontational thought patterns.
  3. tamper n. 脾气 v. 使缓和
    • e.g. It may cause people to lose their temper frequently.
  4. stir up 扬起,挑起; agitation n. 焦虑不安,忧虑
    • e.g. It may stir up agitation among those in long lines.
  5. public interest 公共利益
  6. accident n. 事故 ; identify v. 识别,确认
    • by accident = by chance
    • It was identified during a lab experiment accident.
  7. bacterium n. 细菌; reproduce v. 繁殖
    • It is a bacterium that reproduces at a high rate.
  8. molecular composition 分子组成
  9. Manufacturer n. 生产商,制造商
  10. assess v.评价,评定; access n. 通道;通路 v.进入;使用
    • Assessing its possible negative impact on the environment.

  1. spur v.鞭策;激励;刺激
  2. degradation n. 堕落,潦倒;恶化(过程)
  3. contrive v. 设法做到,巧妙地策划
  4. slash v.n.砍 v.大幅度削减;大大降低 n. 伤口,斜杠
    • xxx, which aims to slash greenhouse gas emissions.
  5. neutral adj. 中立的,无倾向性的 n. 中立者;中立国
  6. resort n. 度假胜地; ~ to do sth. 求助,采取
  7. discount n. 折扣 v. 对..打折
    • Heavily discounted rush tickets help attract many young students to attend classical concerts.
  8. intimidate v. 恐吓,威胁 → intimidated adj. 害怕的
  9. hectic = very busy 忙碌的
    • They derive much pleasure from living a very hectic life.
  10. combat v. 防止,减轻,n.v.战斗

  1. live with 接受,容忍(困境或令人不快的情形)
    • It is something everybody has to live with
  2. ironic adj.反语的,讽刺的
    • What does the author say sounds ironic?(作者说的什么听起来很讽刺?)
  3. prey n. 猎物 → prey on 捕食,掠夺;predator n. 捕食性动物, 掠夺者
  4. overpopulation n. 人口过剩
  5. subsistence n. 勉强维持生活
  6. Coordinate v. 使协调,使相互配合
    • Coordinated efforts of hunters and environmentalists
    • (猎人和环保主义者的共同努力)
  7. stake v.以...打赌 n. (在公司、计划等中的)重大利益
  8. inference n. 推断,推论
  9. intrigue v.激起...的兴趣 n. 阴谋
  10. exotic adj.奇异的,异国风味的
    • They are intrigued by the exotic romance in Danielle Steel's novels

  1. industriousness n. 勤奋
  2. irresistible adj. 不可抵抗的
  3. self-imposed adj. 自我规定的,自愿负担的
    • impose v. 使...负担,把...强加给
    • What does Maryanne Taylor think of self-imposed sleeplessness(自我失眠)?
  4. insensitive adj. 漠不关心的 = not realizing or caring how other people feel, and therefore likely to hurt or offend them
    • sensitive adj. 体贴的,善解人意的;敏感的
  5. tap v.轻敲,开发,利用,挖掘 = exploit = explore
    • More resources should be tapped for feeding the world's population.
    • untapped resource 未开发的资源
  6. promising adj.有前景的,有希望的
    • Organic farming is at least as promising as conventional farming.
  7. soil n. 泥土,土壤;v. 弄脏; fertility = the state of fertile(肥沃的,富饶的)
    • Deterioration in soil fertility(土壤肥力恶化)
  8. disturb v. 打扰,搅乱,to make sb worry → disturbing adj. 令人不安的
  9. hinder = hamper v. 阻止;阻碍
  10. erode v. 削弱;损害; 侵蚀;腐蚀
    • we are eroding the very foundations of our economies.

  1. lobby n.v. 游说 n. 大厅,门厅
    • Industry lobbying makes it hard to get healthy foods.
  2. constructive adj. 建设性的,积极的
    • They have not come up with anything more constructive
  3. polarize v.(使)两极化,截然对立 → polarised adj.
    • When the polarised debate is abandoned
  4. severe adj.严重的,严厉的 → severity n.
    • When the private sector realises the severity of the crisis
  5. susceptibility ~ to sth. 易受影响(或伤害等)的特性
    • Obesity raises susceptibility to cancer(肥胖会增加患癌症的几率)
  6. divert v. 转移,转向
    • the quest for solutions gets diverted by ideological arguments around responsibility and choice
  7. pronounced adj. 明显的,显著的; pronounce v. 正式宣布
    • too..to 太...而不能
    • The relationship between poor health and inequality is too pronounced for governments to be passive about large-scale intervention
  8. potency n. 影响力,效力
    • As the structural nature of public health problems becomes harder to ignore, the complaint about overprotective government loses potency
  9. exceptionally = very 非常;只有在特殊情况下;例外地
    • It is exceptionally rich in marine life
    • marine adj.海生的,海产的
  10. reserve v.预订,预约,保留;n. 保护区
    • coast n. 海岸;v.滑行,(做事)不出力
    • Complete the series of marine reserves around its coast

  1. adverse adj.不利的,反面的
    • It will adversely affect Australia's fishing industry
  2. haven n. 保护区,避难所
    • the Coral Sea is a unique haven of biodiversity off the northeastem coast of Australia.
    • off 表示"在...附近"或"沿着...的海岸"
  3. testify v. (尤指出庭)作证,证实,证明
  4. contention n. 争吵,争论; (尤指争论时的)看法,观点


  1. obscure v. 掩盖 adj. 模糊的
  2. rate n.速率,费用 v. 评价,被认为 → be rated as
  3. deterioration = worsening v. 恶化
  4. warehouse n. 仓库; cottage n. 小屋
  5. be flooded = be submerged 被淹没
  6. laborious adj. requiring considerable effort and time(费力的) = challenging
  7. in that 因为,由于
  8. aggravate v. 恶化,加剧
  9. controversy n. 争论, 争议
    • Controversy continues to surround the true value of the dollar bill.
  10. guarded adj. 谨慎的,有保留的; composition n. 组成
    • The exact(精确的) composition of the paper and ink is a closely guarded(= well-protected) government secret.

  1. incident n. 事件; incidence n. 发生率
    • Psychiatrist(精神科医生) have a higher incidence of suicide(自杀) in their profession for related reasons.
  2. accurately adv. 正确无误地
  3. texture n. 质地,结构
  4. furious adj. 极度愤怒的
  5. accuse v. 指责,控告 ~ sb (of sth)
  6. shed light on.. 阐述,说明 to provide information about something or to make something easier to understand
  7. penetrate v. 穿入,刺入
  8. sophisticated = complicated adj. 复杂的
  9. sentiment = emotion n. 情感
  10. I'm overwhelmed with the wide range of different slimming products each year
    • (每年我都对各种各样的减肥产品感到 不知所措
    • overwhelm v. 淹没;压倒,击败;难以禁受

  1. character n. 人物,角色,性格,品质
  2. aid = help (同义替换!!!)
  3. flat adj. 平的,平坦的 = even n. 一套房间,公寓,平地;adv.平直地,直截了当地
    • flatly adv. 断然,斩钉截铁地;枯燥地;无趣地
  4. meticulous adj. 小心的 = very careful and precise
  5. ordeal n. 磨难,折磨
  6. thrifty adj. 节俭的,节约的
  7. eventful adj. 多事故的 → uneventful adj. 平凡的
  8. permeate v.渗透,弥漫,扩散
  9. provocative adj. 挑衅的,激起争端的
  10. absurd adj. 荒谬的,愚蠢的 n. 荒唐,荒诞

  1. embark on 着手,开始 = to start to do something new or difficult
  2. envisage v. 设想,展望,想象
  3. postpone n. 延期,延迟
  4. contagious adj. 接触传染的
    • His enthusiasm was contagious (= spread quickly to other people) . 他的热情富有感染力
  5. lofty adj.巍峨的,高耸的;高尚的
  6. deter 阻止,制止 ~ sb (from sth/from doing sth)
  7. versatile adj. 多才多艺的,多功能的



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